
Taiwanese Traditional Fish Head Hot Pot
A traditional cuisine evolving into today’s fashionable style, from the 50’s small town Yuanlin in Changhwa, fish heat hot pot creates a new height in Taiwan’s delicacy culture, representing the timeless Taiwanese gourmet, with selected ingredients to warm the diners with the most picky palates over 40 years


Shrimp Balls w/ Wasabi Mayonnaise
嚴選特A級的新鮮大蝦仁,佐以China Pa獨家特調的西汁青芥醬,讓彈Q美味的蝦球裹上粉綠魅人的辛香甘甜,絕對是饕家們人氣美食的首選

Selected first rate fresh big prawns, combined with China Pa’s exclusive secret lemon and wasabi dressing,the juicy shrimp balls is wrapped in the green charm of subtle spicy and sweet flavor; definitely the first choice for the diners


Grilled Lamb Chop w/ Pesto Sauce

Fragrant herbs, enchanting spice, touching the taste bud and touching your heart, the best lamb chops from New Zealand are marinated in secret sauce before going in to the oven, smeared afterwards with basil-and-pine pesto and Parmesan cheese, this is heaven!


Spicy Beef Tendon w/ Sichuan Style Sauce
食材嚴選牛筋加上陳年老滷煨火慢燒達6小時以上, 呈凍狀富含豐富的膠原蛋白, 薄片入味口感Q滑香麻,脂肪與膽固醇含量低。
採用丁香、豆蔻、月桂葉經年烹、 ㊙️大紅袍川花椒為此道料理的精髓。 味道香,麻味溫。 造就最引誘味蕾的好滋味。

Sweet, sour, spicy and fragrant; thin, tender, fresh and cold; choice beef loin strips from the US plus Yunnan’s sweet and spicy sauce from the west southern part of China, this delicacy is unsurpassable


Marinated Cold Beef w/ Yunan Sauce

Sweet, sour, spicy and fragrant; thin, tender, fresh and cold; choice beef loin strips from the US plus Yunnan’s sweet and spicy sauce from the west southern part of China, this delicacy is unsurpassable


Sour and Spicy Chicken

Originally from Hunan traditional cuisine, rich in sweet, sour and spicy flavors, as legend has it, this classic food is the China general Juo Gung Tang most favorite dish, while Hunan cuisine is juxtaposed with Sichuan and Yunnan Cuisine as the classic Chinese delicacies